Saturday 7 June 2008

Soulie's Sims

Welcome to my Sims blog.
This is where I will keep a log of all my progress with any Sim Challenges that I take part in. To see my Sims 3 Blog go here.

I have been working on several Challenges over the past few years most notably 'The Royal Kingdom Challenge'. Which has taken just over a year of my life lol and I will continue to play it as I am very determined to finish it!
I will post my score and tidbits when I have finished it completely.

'The Legacy Challenge', though is another matter. The first time I attempted this, my PC crashed shorly after, and I wasn't in the mood to re-start it. But then, several weeks ago, I did re-start it BUT I am not happy with it, so I am re-starting again, this time, however, I will be doing it along-side my friend Lizzy, whose blog about her Legacy you can read here.

We have decided on which handicaps to use [with one we have slightly altered to suit our tastes], as we figured we both should play by the same rules.
So I will be posting my progress here as it happens.

The other challenge I am working on is 'The Queen Bee Challenge', where the female sim has to have 10 children with 6 different sim men. Oh the fun! I have just finished the first part, where she has had the first 6 children, and they have moved out with their father. Now she has moved in the 2nd victim and is awaiting getting pregnant with her 7th child.

As I said, I will post my updates here for challenges now instead of uploading to the official site, however, I shall continue to update the stories I am making for 'The Royal Kingdom Challenge' on the official Sims 2 site.

'The Legacy Challenge':

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The Legacy Challenge - Week One

Well, I re-started the 'Legacy Challenge' today.
My friend and I are doing this challenge together, so we can compare our results.
We have selected the same handicaps also, so this should be interesting.

I have just finished the first week and as we are doing "extreme" as one of our handicaps I can now move in the intended
'Mrs. Legacy', though Adam, my founder has not fallen in love with anyone yet but it won't be long before he does :)

Meet Adam, our founder.


And his *ahem* home, a rather large piece of land. You can see the old apple tree in the background there, that will hopefully last 10 whole generations! Which didn't leave Adam with much money left over to buy things, so for the time being he has a sofa, fridge, oven, 2 counters and just out of shot 4 pieces of soil to grow his own veg in, as we have also chosen the handicap "Do it Yourself".

'Argh, what the hell is that?'
Don't worry Adam, that's just hail. It should pass shortly. If not, ut oh, you could be in trouble!

'Sheesh, let me find a job so I don't have to spend TOO much time at home.'
That's right Adam!
He gets a job as a Security Guard. His LTW is to be a mad scientist though, so we might have to do a career change shortly!

Adam gets his tomatoes in the ground whilst he has the time. You can see that Mr. Humble has left his gift, but of course Adam cannot sell it for the money because of the "extreme" handicap, but that's ok, as soon as he can afford a table and chair the computer can be used to boost Adam's fun motive & so much more!

You don't want to be doing that very often Adam. Best save up for a bug catcher.
'Why not?'
Errr, let's just say there are after effects if you use it too many times.

So, the welcoming party came, and it's not long before Adam *thinks* he is in love!

That won't impress the lady Adam.
'It's your fault for not buying me a toilet!'
Oh quit whinging, there's plenty of land for you to pee on. *rolls eyes*


'Dude where's your house?'
'My creator says I can't have one yet.'

Not a good start there buddy. Better luck with the next job lol

Good thinking buddy. It takes Adam a couple of days to find a new job as a 'Fish Chummer' in the Oceanography field, so he spent his spare time digging for treasure for some extra cash.

WTG Adam, you can afford a toilet, shower and 2 pieces of wall now! No more peeing in the garden!

'Dude this awesome!'
You're welcome Adam!

And that's the end of Adam's first week! He can now start looking for a wife now the week is over from the 'extreme' handicap.

Check back soon for an update!

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The Legacy Challenge - Week Two

Well, that's another week done for Adam, and I must admit, I am finding this much easier than I expected it to be!

Adam gets fired again!

Thankfully he was in a good enough mood to look for another job and luckily he got his old job back!

Damnit Adam, are you really THAT stupid tho get fired again?
'Uhh yuh, it looks like it doesn't it?'
Stupid chance cards!

He needed a boost, so he called up Marisa, who he had been speaking to on the phone most days so that the relationship was pretty high.
It looks like he is pleased to see her! Time to move in!

Yup, look, there is the hearts. Get her inside, feed her and let her pee before you ask her to marry you!

So after a nice meal of err sandwiches, he let her pee and begun making out with Marisa.

So yes, she accepted his "commited relationship" and "engagement" proposals, but it looks like it was one of Marisa's fears! Anyways it's too late now as they are getting married. Yay!

Married! Let's get making babies, after a quick check of Marisa.
Hmmm, nice choice there buddy, she is a celebrity chef, so she is bringing some money in and she's brought a few items with her too, so you can sell those and make your house nicer! Wo0t!

Firstly Marisa gets a make-over in the new bathroom, 'cus she's pretty ugly!

The only thing they couldn't afford was a new bedroom suite, but that won't stop them from having some fun!

Nooooo. They get robbed! And they lose thier brand new TV! Thanks to the "Fearless" handicap, where no burglar alarms are allowed! And the lousy police didn't arrive until it was too late!

Marisa starts work on getting her creative skills high enough so she can paint Adam's portrait that will be hung up when finished.

Whilst Adam studied in the newly refurbished kitchen.

It looks like we have the first baby on the way!

Yup there's the first bump! Let's hope it is a boy, as have chosen to do the "Patriarchy/Matriarchy" handicap, then having a boy as thier first born means that they will then have the choice to have another baby if they wish instead of being forced to!

Adam gets promoted to "Dolphin Tank Cleaner".

And that's the end of the second week!

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The Legacy Challenge - Weeks Three & Four

Another two weeks in sim life has passed by rather quickly. Nothing much happened in week four which is why I have put both of the week's together in one post.

As usual Adam scours the newspaper for his perfect job in the Science field, and today, it finally looks like it's available! So yep, yet another new job for Adam.

And with the baby almost here they will need the extra cash.

It looks like Adam has found a job that he is happy with, he gets promoted on his first day to "Lab Assistant".

And he comes home just in time to see the birth of his first child.

And here he is, meet son and heir, Bailey!

They finally could afford to build a small lake to fish in before Winter set in. Adam isn't having much luck though but Marisa is doing great! [At the time of going to press, she had caught 4 different fish for the "collections" point!]

Another promotion! Yay! Field Researcher!

They both needed a "fun" and "social" boost and the quickest way for them both to fulfill those needs was for them to go to bed together and as we are doing the "Strict Family Values" handicap, then they must "try for a baby" each time they woohoo.

Bailey becomes a toddler!

And it looks like Bailey will be getting a baby brother or sister!

A few seconds later and the bump appears!

Nothing much is happening at the moment as you can see but Marisa has almost finished Adam's portrait. It's taking her agessssss to get it finished.

Here she is. Meet baby Belinda!

Now they can afford to build a second floor, and it's a good job too as there wasn't much room downstairs. So upstairs we have the Master bedroom, and the kids have a room each plus a second bathroom. Which will be handy for when Bailey is married and has his own children, but if Adam and Marisa are still alive when that happens then they will have to build another bedroom downstairs, but that's a long way off yet. Also downstairs got a refurbish and redecorated, which you will see later.
And that's the end of week three.

Bailey becomes a child in platinum mode!

Belinda becomes a toddler.

Ouch that's got to hurt Adam!
'Yuh, just a little.'
I guess that's what happens when you have to fix your own TV after tinkering with it too much!

Belinda becomes a child. My god she is UGLY! And what's with her eyebrows not matching her hair colour? I guess she must have picked up a custom hair style from one of her parents, but why would the colours not match? lol

Yes, Adam, I know she is ugly, but hey, she might grow up prettier?
And that's the end of week four, so here's to the next week!

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