Saturday, 7 June 2008

Soulie's Sims

Welcome to my Sims blog.
This is where I will keep a log of all my progress with any Sim Challenges that I take part in. To see my Sims 3 Blog go here.

I have been working on several Challenges over the past few years most notably 'The Royal Kingdom Challenge'. Which has taken just over a year of my life lol and I will continue to play it as I am very determined to finish it!
I will post my score and tidbits when I have finished it completely.

'The Legacy Challenge', though is another matter. The first time I attempted this, my PC crashed shorly after, and I wasn't in the mood to re-start it. But then, several weeks ago, I did re-start it BUT I am not happy with it, so I am re-starting again, this time, however, I will be doing it along-side my friend Lizzy, whose blog about her Legacy you can read here.

We have decided on which handicaps to use [with one we have slightly altered to suit our tastes], as we figured we both should play by the same rules.
So I will be posting my progress here as it happens.

The other challenge I am working on is 'The Queen Bee Challenge', where the female sim has to have 10 children with 6 different sim men. Oh the fun! I have just finished the first part, where she has had the first 6 children, and they have moved out with their father. Now she has moved in the 2nd victim and is awaiting getting pregnant with her 7th child.

As I said, I will post my updates here for challenges now instead of uploading to the official site, however, I shall continue to update the stories I am making for 'The Royal Kingdom Challenge' on the official Sims 2 site.

'The Legacy Challenge':

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